Qualified Buyers Are Still Looking in New Hampshire

Amy Houston

Every market will have buyers and sellers so don't give up so quickly.

NH homebuyers are still looking

Sellers should be aware that we are still in a "Selelrs Market". Things are changing but they have not flipped to a buyers market.  In order to get the best price for your house there are many things that are in your control and won't cost a lot of money. Always clean and declutter. Spruce up your home. Price it right and talk to your trusted real estate advisor, Amy Houston.

Here are three things to consider:

1. Spruce it up

  • Curb appeal - weed whack, mow, yard clean up. Add seasonal decor such as a potted flower on the doorstep or a wreath on the front door. Clean outside lighting fixtures. Roll up the hose. Pick up toys and other debris.
  • Start packing early and box up the extras and personal items. Store them away in the basement -- in neat stacks
  • Clean walls or paint, but don't try to hide defects
  • Ask a friend to be honest about the smells in your house. Can they smell the pets?  If you are a smoker ask a non-smoker to be honest with you about detecting those odors. Clean carpets and walls. Remove window coverings. Fabrics, drywall and carpet absorb odors and can be very difficult to get rid of. A non smoker or non pet owner will most likely move on.
  • Remove window coverings, especially when they are 5 or more years old. They collect dust that you may not notice. Removing them can really brighten your house. After removing the window coverings, take a quick look at your window sills. They can collect dirt, grime and dead bugs.
  • Look up at ceilings, light fixtures and ceilving fans. Are they covered in a thick coating of dust? Clean them.

2. Pricing right

Pricing at a competitive value can tricky right now. Homes that have sold in the past 6 months to a year may not offer a good comparison for pricing your home. Many of these houses saw bidding wars with no contingencies. These are not good comps.  Let me show you how to figure out your best market value. It would not hurt at all to consider going a little lower to draw in even more prospective buyers especially if you are having an open house.  Think of the price on your listing as a suggested price and not a pricetag. The price is always negotiable. The more people you can get to look at your house the more options you will have for reasonable offers and you may even get an over-askin price offer.  Remember that we are still in a low inventory market and buyers still need to find a house. If you price too high you might get fewer people looking and potentially an offer under the asking price. 

3. Let's Talk

Everyone's situation is unique. The best thing to do is to have a convesation and figure out what will work best for you.  I will be honest with you if I think it will be better for you to wait to sell. It is important that you are set and ready to move to another location.  Being prpeared and knowing some details in advance will help you in the long run. Are you aware of the equity in your home? Do you know what price houses are selling for in your neighborhood? You might find that you are able to sell now and that you have nothing to lose, so why not try.  Houses are still selling at great prices compared to 2 years ago. I really don't see that changing in the near future. Things could change in six months or more but it is difficult to predict what could happen.

What is your home worth

Contact me by phone or text to set up a good time to discuss your options. 
I am hear to help.

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